之前寫過這樣的 Code Snippet
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| #include <initializer_list> enum state_type { IDLE, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED }; template <typename ...Ts> bool is_any_of(state_type s, const Ts& ...ts) { bool match = false; (void)std::initializer_list<int>{(match |= (s == ts), 0)...}; return match; } is_any_of(s, IDLE, DISCONNECTING);
這程式碼適用於C++11,如果用C++17可以用fold expression
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| enum state_type { IDLE, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED }; template <typename ...Ts> bool is_any_of(state_type s, const Ts& ...ts) { return ((s == ts) || ...); }
variadic non type template
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| enum state_type { IDLE, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED }; template <state_type ... states> bool is_any_of(state_type s) { return ((s == states) || ...); } is_any_of<IDLE, DISCONNECTING>(s);
看到Modern Techniques for Keeping Your Code DRY這方案真是眼睛一亮
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| template <typename ...Ts> struct any_of : private std::tuple<Ts...> { using std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple; template <typename T> bool operator==(const T& t) const { return std::apply([&t](const auto& ...ts) { return ((ts == t) | ...); }, static_cast<const std::tuple<Ts...>&>(*this)); } template <typename T> friend bool operator==(const T& lh, const any_of& rh) { return rh == lh; } };
template <typename ...Ts> any_of(Ts...)->any_of<Ts...>; any_of(IDLE, DISCONNECTING) == s s == any_of(IDLE, DISCONNECTING)
Add more operation
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| template <typename ...Ts> struct any_of : private std::tuple<Ts...> { using std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple; template <typename T> bool operator==(const T& t) const { return std::apply([&t](const auto& ...ts) { return ((ts == t) || ...); }, static_cast<const std::tuple<Ts...>&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> bool operator<(const T& t) const { return std::apply([&t](const auto& ...ts) { return ((ts < t) || ...); }, static_cast<const std::tuple<Ts...>&>(*this)); } };
Higher order functions
由於兩個operator都是由一系列or operation組成的
因此我們可以把or operation提出來
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| template <typename F, typename ...Ts> bool or_elements(const F& f, const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) { return std::apply([&f](const auto& ...ts) { return (f(ts) || ...); }, t); }
template <typename ...Ts> struct any_of : private std::tuple<Ts...> { using std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple; template <typename T> bool operator==(const T& t) const { return or_elements([&t](const auto& v) { return v == t; }, *this); }
template <typename T> bool operator<(const T& t) const { return or_elements([&t](const auto& v) { return v < t; }, *this); } };
template <typename ...Ts> any_of(Ts...)->any_of<Ts...>;
all_of implementation
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| template <typename F, typename ...Ts> bool and_elements(const F& f, const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) { return std::apply([&f](const auto& ...ts) { return (f(ts) && ...); }, t); }
template <typename ...Ts> struct all_of : private std::tuple<Ts...> { using std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple; template <typename T> bool operator==(const T& t) const { return and_elements([&t](const auto& v) { return v == t; }, *this); }
template <typename T> bool operator<(const T& t) const { return and_elements([&t](const auto& v) { return v < t; }, *this); } };
template <typename ...Ts> all_of(Ts...)->all_of<Ts...>;
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| struct or_elements { template <typename F, typename ...Ts> static bool apply(const F& f, const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) { return std::apply([&f](const auto& ...ts) { return (f(ts) || ...); }, t); } };
struct and_elements { template <typename F, typename ...Ts> static bool apply(const F& f, const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) { return std::apply([&f](const auto& ...ts) { return (f(ts) && ...); }, t); } };
template <typename Op, typename ...Ts> struct op_t : private std::tuple<Ts...> { using std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple; template <typename T> bool operator==(const T& t) const { return Op::apply([&t](const auto& v) { return v == t; }, *this); }
template <typename T> bool operator<(const T& t) const { return Op::apply([&t](const auto& v) { return v < t; }, *this); }
template <typename T> friend bool operator==(const T& lh, const op_t& rh) { return rh == lh; } template <typename T> friend bool operator>(const T& lh, const op_t& rh) { return rh < lh; } };
template <typename ...Ts> struct any_of : op_t<or_elements, Ts...> { using op_t<or_elements, Ts...>::op_t; };
template <typename ...Ts> struct all_of : op_t<and_elements, Ts...> { using op_t<and_elements, Ts...>::op_t; };
template <typename ...Ts> any_of(Ts...)->any_of<Ts...>; template <typename ...Ts> all_of(Ts...)->all_of<Ts...>;
– Modern Techniques for Keeping Your Code DRY
– Lambdas: From C++11 to C++20, Part 1
– Lambdas: From C++11 to C++20, Part 2